Camera Zooming on Rosa's Breasts

Camera Zooming on Rosa's Breasts: blank meme template
Blank template


The “Camera Zooming on Rosa's Breasts” meme is taken from a piece of fanart, specifically an image of Rosa, the female protagonist of Pokémon Black/White 2. Said fanart has her posing for a picture with the backdrop of a Ferris wheel and shows that the photographer's viewfinder is zoomed in on her chest.

This particular image debuted at the tail end of January 2020 and gained significant usage as an object-label meme, placing a detailed explanation of something over Rosa while the viewfinder reveals a more glossed-over explanation.


@The_Only_Shoe tweeted the initial fanart back on July 1, 2019. The post got over 750 retweets and 3,300 likes over the span of seven months. An alternate version of the same fanart, only different in the absence or presence of a hat, received just 50 retweets and 380 likes over the same amount of time.


As previously addressed, this particular memetic image has been used to highlight how people tend to focus on only one aspect of some topic-the aspect they find most appealing.


Camera Zooming on Rosa's Breasts meme #1 Camera Zooming on Rosa's Breasts meme #2 Camera Zooming on Rosa's Breasts meme #3 Camera Zooming on Rosa's Breasts meme #4


See also

Random Meme 🤠